Sarina M. Saroian

Yerevan State Medical University, Russian Federation

Title: Ischemic Stroke in Adolescents and Young Adults: Fighting Factor Five. What Does It Mean?


Purpose: Unveiling the role of factor V Leiden mutation, which is clearly associated with ischemic stroke in children but not in adults

Introduction: Factor V Leiden (FVL) mutation (named after the Dutch city Leiden where it was discovered) is a point mutation causes activated protein C resistance. This leads to 5–10 times increased risk of thrombosis in patients heterozygous for FVL mutation, whereas homozygosity increases the risk by a factor of 50–100 times. This genetic anomaly associated with venous thrombo-embolism in patients of all ages and ischemic stroke in children, but not with ischemic stroke in the general adult population. Because the majority of strokes occurs in individuals older than age 65 years, genetic association studies of ischemic stroke have tended to focus on the elderly.  Nevertheless 5% to 10% of strokes occur in individuals younger than age 45 years. We report a patient who developed ischemic stroke due to FVL mutation which is quite rare in Armenian population.


To be updated.